Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Installing Paid Cydia Apps For Free !!!!!

Ever wanted to have a cool tweak on your iphone for free , and its being charged by cydia ,, heres your solution add the foollowing to your repos...

our very own repo updated Daily....

1. Open Cydia. : wait for cydia to load as it may take some time

2. Go to manage

3. Go to sources

4. Select Edit

5. Select Add

6. Type in

List Of all The coolest cydia apps available on earth, Best of the Best apps !

Best Cydia Apps and Tweaks
All useful tweaks on Cydia Free/Paid

If U want the paid cydia apps for free you may Click here for the tutorial!

Free Tweaks:

1. AlarmDisplay - Add a badge to your with how many active alarms, total alarms
2. Browser Changer - Open links in 3rd-party browser, instead of Safari. Configurable. Toggle in SBSettings.
3. Call InfoFields - Add extra field to incoming call display. iPhone only.
4. CyDelete - Delete Cydia packages from SpringBoard, just like App Store applications!
5. Direct Closer - Adds red cross on multitask icons.
6. Direct Control - show ipod controls first in switcher
7. Enable Usage ipt - Enables Usage on iPod Touch
8. EnhancedTabs - Makes Safari's tabs much better
9. FaceBreak - Enable FaceTime over 3G with FaceBreak!
10. Fast Copy - removes copy/paste menu choice delay
11. Featuers - Enable Multitasking/HomeScreen-Wallpaper/Precentage Battery/Unified iPod
12. Five icon Dock - Put Five apps on your Dock
13. Five Icon Switcher - Five icons in the multitasking switcher!
14. Five-column SpringBoard - 5X4 SpringBoard Apps
15. FolderCloser - Auto-close folders after app launch
16. GC Patcher - iPhone3G - Enables game detection for Game Center
17. HDREnabler - Enables HDR on iPod Touch 4G
18. LiveClock - Animated Clock icon on homescreen
19. LockSeconds - Second on lockscreen
20. Lock info - Customize your lockscreen with calendar
21. LockScreen Clock Hide - Hide your clock in lock screen and put them on status bar
22. MiddleWhat - enable FaceTime for region-locked phones
23. Multitasking Time : Add wifi/Time/battery on switcher bar
24. No Bookmarks - Stop Safari from automatically showing bookmarks.
25. No Folder Badges - Hides the folder badges.
26. NoAccessorySplash iOS4
27. NoLockScreen - Disables the lock screen intelligently.
28. Remove Background - Remove all apps from the task switcher.
29. Retinasizer - Enhance 3D games for high-rez display
30. SB Hidden StatusBar
31. ShakeToUndo Killer - Disables the Shake-To-Undo dialog
32. Simple Background - Perspective wallpaper on homescreen
33. Six icon Dock - Put six apps on your Dock
34. SwitcherMod - cool improvements for the app switcher
35. SwitcherPlus - Task switcher from Lockscreen & extras
36. Tab+ - More tabs for Safari.
37. User Agent Faker - Fakes the User Agent of the device.
38. YourTube 2 + MXTube - Download Videos from YouTube.App
39. 1*1 Springboard - This tweak is perfect for an iNav theme. With this Tweak every Springboard page will have only one icon in the middle of the page. No Blank Icons are needed.
40. Browser Changer : set your defult Web Browser
41. Enable Usage : For iPod touch
42. Enhanced Tabs : Make safari work the way you want
43. Fast Copy : make your copy/paste menu show faster
44. Features : Enable HomeScreen/Multitasking on iPhone 3G and iPod 2G works as a theme in WinterBoard
45. Five Icon Switcher : Show five icons in switcher bar(needs native multitasking)
46. HDREnabler : Enables HDR on ipod touch 4G
47. LiveClock : Shows live clock on
48. Lock Seconds : show seconds in lock screen
49. Lock info : customize you lock screen as you wish
50. LockScreen Clock hide : hide LockScreen Clock
51. MiddleWhat : Enable FaceTime on iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4G in regions that apple doesn't support
52. MultiTasking Time : show time/wifi/Battery in your switcher bar
53. No BookMarks : Stop Safari from opening bookmarks when you open safari
54. NoAccessorySplash iOS4 : Fix AccessoryConnected
55. NoLockScreen : disable lock screen or enable it using sbsettings
56. Popup Blocker : block annoyying alert popups on your iphone
57. RemoveBackground : remove all apps that working in the background with on click
58. AllPlay : iOS4.2.1 Adds airplay to 3rd-party apps
59. Tabs+ : More tabs for safari
60. User Agent Faker : fake website about your browser
61. YourTube 2 : Download videos in both high/low res
62. iBluever Demo : allows you to connect your iPod to internet with your mobile phone via bluetooth doesn't save the connection
63. iSHSHit : Save your shsh blobs right from your device
64. Action menu - Adds actions to the action menu
65. Activator - Activate apps via gestures, buttons and shortcuts
66. AptBackup - Backup and restore your cydia apps for upgrades and iTunes restores.
67. Backgrounder - Enable and manage backgrounding as apple multitasking
68. BossPaper - Customizable Wallpaper app. similar to Winterboard. Show your wallpapers in a slideshow.
69. Categories - Move your springboard icons into folders!
70. Fuzzyband - A safer way to upgrade or downgrade your 3G baseband.
71. IncarcerApp - Disable Home button to lock-in an app. Uses Activator.
72. LastApp - Quickly switch to previous application.
73. Lockdown - Password protect your applications with Lockdown.
74. ProSwitcher - Palm Pre-styled application switcher
75. Remove Recents - Remove recents from task switcher on iOS4
76. Rotation Inhibitor - Rotation Inhibitor with toggle for SBSettings
77. Move common toggles directly into springboard where they're always there!
78. SpringJumps - Quick-jump to different SpringBoard pages
79. SprintBoard - Move faster through home screens simply sliding your finger like in Contacts.
80. 20 Second Lock Screen - Makes the lock screen stay on for 20 seconds instead of 5 seconds. Mobile substrate plugin.
81. WinterBoard : change your itouch/iphone theme

All Are Paid Tweaks:
1. ActionMenuPlus : Additional actions for action menu such as : History,Favorite,Lookup,lookdown,Translate,Diction ary-$2.9
2. AppSwitcherVolume : Show Volume slider on the now playingBar(needs native multitasking)-$0.99
3. AttachmentSaver : Save attachment that are in your inbox in$3
4. DirectCloserPro : Close apps easily in tasks switcher (needs native multitasking)-$1
5. Auto 3G : Turn off your 3G on lock-$5.99
6. EZDecline : Decline/Accept Buttons from a calll even when your iphone currently asleep/locked-$0.99
7. FaceBreak : Enable FaceTime over 3G-$1.49
8. FolderEnhancer : Improves and extends iOS4 Folders-$2.49
9. FullScreen for safari : run safari in full screen mode-$1.99
10. GPower Pro : Show reboot and respring with Turn off slide when u hold lock/sleep button-$0.99
11. Grid Lock : Put your apps wherever u want
12. Home page in safari : choose your homepage in safari-$0.99
13. iControl : Control your wifi/3G/2G/BT to save Battery-$4.99
14. infiniBoard: Vertically scroll your home screen pages-$1.99
15. infiniDock : Scroll your dock with infinite apps and folders-$0.99
16. infinifolders : infinite apps in folders with verticle scrolling-$1.99
17. Mark Read : Mark Read or unread your inbox messages in$1.99
18. MultiCleaner : close yourapp completely by holding home button-$0.99
19. PagePreview : slide to any page with one move by just dragging your finger on the page indicator dots-$1.74
20. PlayAwake : Put any song in alarm in$1.99
21. ShakeToUndoKiller : kill shake to undo feature-$0.99
22. Synchronicity : Work on your iphone while itunes sync-$2
23. iBluever : allows you to connect your iPod to internet with your mobile phone via bluetooth-$5
24. Safari Download manager - download any file using$5
25. ScrollingBoard : Same as infiniDock and infinifolders-$1.49
26. AskToSend : Confirms before sending SMS/Mail-$0.99
27. CallLock : Locks your iphone screen during call-$0.99
28. HideEmAll : Hide and recover your photos/messages-0.99
29. iPicMyContacts : Show contacts pics next to names-$1.29
30. ListLauncher : Scrolling list of all your apps for quick find-$0.99
31. BluSelect : Rapid Bluetooth configuration from anywhere-$??
32. GroupSend : Send messages to a group of people-$1.49
33. LockDown Pro : Lock your apps the way you want-$1.99
34. MyWi 4.0 : Internet tethering-$19.99
35. SBRotator for 4.x : Rotate your SpringBoard in all 4 orientation-$1.99
36. Shrink : Shrink your apps down-$??
37. PkgBackUp : Backup and restore your cydia apps for upgrades and iTunes restores-$7.99

Major cydia updata announced, Download Now and install (tutorial)

Cydia, the standard application for managing unauthorized iOS apps and modifications, has received an unofficial update today to version 1.1.2. Although it doesn’t contain a release log, it’s said to have fixed several graphical bugs in iOS 5 and be slightly snappier. Stick around to find out how to load Cydia 1.1.2 on your iOS device today.

You’ll Need:

A jailbroken iOS device running Cydia (iOS 4.3.3 tutorial | iOS 5 tutorial). If you’ve jailbroken your device through normal means, you’re likely set.
iFile & Safari Download Manager installed on your device.
Install using iFile:

Installing the new version of Cydia using iFile is the most efficient method, and the only one if you don’t have a computer around. Here’s how to do it:

Open up Mobile Safari from your device and point it to this link.
Follow the on-screen download instructions and select "Open with iFile" when you see a prompt.
Click "Install".
Respring or restart your phone.
Once you’ve followed the above steps, you should be able to launch the new version of Cydia.

Using SSH or iPhoneExplorer:

This method can be used by those who aren’t willing to purchase iFile. Although slightly more difficult, it should be pretty easy to understand for most users. Just follow the steps below:

From your computer, download the new version of Cydia from here (it’s the same as the link above).
Connect your device to your computer and launch iPhoneExplorer (download link). Point it to /private/var/root and place the file you’ve just downloaded in that directory.
Respring or restart your phone. Once you’ve done this, Cydia should automatically update in the background.
Cydia is definitely the most popular package manager for iOS, second to the official App Store of course. Since its inception in 2008, it has become the standard way to manage unofficial iOS Apps and tweaks. Over the last few months, Saurik, Cydia’s developer, has worked hard to address many of the performance issues users have experienced. This new release takes another step towards fully fixing these problems, and begins the effort to make the software fully compatible with iOS 5, as speculated by @DinoD7, author of popular jailbreaking tutorials on YouTube:

There was no changelog to view but the assumption is that it includes some bug fixes and overall speed improvements. There’s a high likelihood that this release is one of the first steps of Cydia in its preparation for the release of iOS 5.

UPDATE x1: Saurik has left a comment on iPhoneDownloadBlog, warning users to stay away from this unofficial update.

UPDATE x2: For those of you who want to try it out, here is a mirror for Cydia 1.1.2.

(via DinoD7’s Twitter)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jailbreak for the ios 4.3 beta update......

Apple has now rolled out 4.3 Beta 2 for iOS devices. The following detailed step by step guide will help you jailbreak iOS 4.3 Beta 1 on iPhone 4, iPad and iPod Touch 4G using PwnageTool bundles. This is a tethered jailbreak.

Here’s what you will need:

PwnageTool 4.1.2
Access to iOS 4.3 Beta firmware
iTunes 10.1.1
Mac OS X
PwnageTool bundle for iPhone 4, iPad or iPod touch 4G

Cydia is fully working on iOS 4.3 Beta.
It is a semi-tethered jailbreak.
Your baseband will not be upgraded during restore process.
WARNING: The jailbreaking procedure is complex, and hence is meant for advanced users only. It will require you to make your own ramdisk because the latest official version of PwnageTool makes a broken one for iOS 4.3. Proceed at your own risk only. We are not to be held responsible if you end up bricking your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

Modifying PwnageTool

Step 1: Download PwnageTool bundle for your version of iOS device. Extract the .zip folder, in there you will find two files: CydiaInstaller.bundle and a .bundle file, for this guide, we are using iPhone 4 bundle iPhone3, 1_4.3_8F5148b.bundle. Move all these files to your desktop.

Step 2: Download PwnageTool 4.1.2 and copy it to your desktop. Right click, and then click on “Show Package Contents” as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 3: Navigate to Contents/Resources/FirmwareBundles/ and paste iPhone3, 1_4.3_8F5148b.bundle file in this location.

Step 4: Now navigate to Contents/Resources/CustomPackages and here replace theCydiaInstaller.bundle file with the version that you downloaded in Step 1, and then simply close this folder.

After modifying the pwnage tool you will need to build the custom firmware using the same tool. Here is how to do it.

Building a Custom Firmware

Step 5: Download iOS 4.3 Beta. Move this file to your desktop.

Step 6: Start PwnageTool in “Expert mode” and select your device:

Step 7: Browse for iOS 4.3 beta firmware for your device as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 8: Now select “Build” to start creating custom 4.3 firmware file:

Step 9: PwnageTool will now create the custom .ipsw file for your iPhone which will be jailbroken.

Step 10: Once you have created the custom firmware, quit PwnageTool. Don’t restore to this firmware yet.

Now you need to build the custom ramdisk. Follow the steps.

Creating Custom Ramdisk for iOS 4.3 Custom Firmware

Step 11: Download by DjayB6, extract the file, and move the folder to your desktop.

Step 12: Now open file, and edit the paths required in a program like TextEdit, as shown highlighted in the screenshot below.

Step 13: Now start Terminal and run the following commands:

"cd desktop

cd ramdisk_maker


Now from here on, this automated script in Terminal will guide you on what to do next as shown highlighted in the screenshot below.

Step 14: First, create a folder on desktop named My_Ramdisk. Then change the extension of the original iOS 4.3 Beta file from .ipsw to .zip, and then extract this .zip file.

Step 15: Here you will see a file named 038-0408-002.dmg. This is the file we need. Copy this file to My_Ramdisk folder that you created on desktop.

Step 16: Once you have done that, you will notice that Terminal screen will automatically move to the next step as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 17: Now go to ramdisk_maker folder that you saved earlier on desktop, here open the fileOptions.plist in a program like TextWrangler (available for free on the Mac App Store). Here change the value under SystemPartitionSize to 1116, as also shown highlighted in the screenshot below.

Step 18: Now save this Options.plist file and move it to My_Ramdisk folder. At this point, you will once again notice that Terminal will automatically move to complete the process.

Step 19: Once done, you will now notice a new file named final_ramdisk.dmg in My_Ramdiskfolder. Rename this file as 038-0408-002.dmg

Step 20: Now change the extension of the custom iOS 4.3 Beta firmware file that you created earlier from .ipsw to .zip, and then extract this .zip file.

Step 21: Here, replace 038-0408-002.dmg file with the one you created in Step 19 above.

Step 22: Now select all files, and click on “Compress 9 Items” so that it is converts back into .zip file. Now change the extension of this .zip file to .ipsw and you are done making the custom firmware, with fixed ramdisk.

Now just restore your iDevice to custom iOS you just created.

Restore iOS 4.3 Custom Firmware Using iTunes

Step 23: Start iTunes, click on your iOS device icon from the sidebar in iTunes. Now press and hold left “alt” (option) button on Mac, or Left “Shift” button if you are on Windows on the keyboard and then click on “Restore” (Not “Update” or “Check for Update”) button in the iTunes and then release this button.

This will make iTunes prompt you to select the location for your custom firmware 4.3 file. Select the required custom .ipsw file that you created in Step 22 above, and click on “Open”.

Step 24: Now sit back and enjoy as iTunes does the rest for you. This will involve a series of automated steps. Be patient at this stage and don’t do anything silly. Just wait while iTunes installsthe new firmware 4.3 on your iOS device. Your iOS device screen at this point will be showing a progress bar indicating installation progress. After the installation is done, your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch will be jailbroken on iOS 4.3.

Booting in Tethered Mode

Last but not the least, since there is no untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3 yet, we will have to boot it into a tethered jailbroken state. To do this, we will make use of a utility named “tetheredboot” as shown in the steps below.

Step 25: Download utility for Mac OS X and extract the .zip file.

Step 26: First, we will need three files from the original iOS 4.3 Beta firmware namely:kernelcache.release.n90, iBEC.n90ap.RELEASE.dfu, and iBSS.n90ap.RELEASE.dfu.

Change the extension of the original iOS 4.3 Beta file from .ipsw to .zip, like you did in Step 14 above, and then extract this .zip file.

Now copy kernelcache.release.n90 file, and then copy iBEC.n90ap.RELEASE.dfu, andiBSS.n90ap.RELEASE.dfu files which are found under /Firmware/dfu/.

Move all these three files, and tetheredboot utility to a new folder named “tetheredboot” on the desktop as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 27: Now to boot your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch into tethered mode, connect it with your computer and start it in Recovery Mode by holding Home and Power buttons until the connect to iTunes screen appears on your device.

Step 28: Start Terminal and run the following commands:

sudo sh

enter your administrator password, then:

"cd desktop/tetheredboot

./tetheredboot iBSS kernel"

You should now see some code running in the Terminal windows, at some point, it will ask you to enter DFU mode. Now follow the following steps to enter DFU mode:

Hold Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds
Now release the Power button but continue holding the Home button for 10 more seconds
You device should now be in DFU mode
Now wait for your device to boot, Terminal at this point will be showing “Exiting libpois0n” message. After a short while, your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch will be booted in a jailbroken tethered mode !

Credits @Redmond Pie

Friday, January 21, 2011

The new Angry Birds : Archeology , for Ipad 2 and Iphone 5

Angry Birds : Rovio is already running the beta version of their new addition to the angry birds family.

The game wil be called Angry Birds - Archeology .

The games new version will feature perihistoric Birds. Moreover the mighty eagle would now be free but as always would not always be available.

No Further information is available until now but you better stay tuned to us.

And as you might be knowing about the upcpming Board Game along with its much awaited TV series...

excerpt from :

Rovio, maker of hit game Angry Birds, plans to turn the game into an animated series, CEO Mikael Hed has announced.
“We have been looking at that for quite a while, and that is definitely one of my personal big focus areas right now – to work on broadcast content for Angry Birds,” Hed told the British TV industry site

In the end all we can say is that angry birds is here to stay !!

Disclaimer : THIS info is Confidential and leaked info and may not be exactly true.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Worlds FIrst ever edible Iphone , IPhone Cokkie yumm....

You can thank the Japanese for inventing the world's first edible iPhone.  A small village bakery called the "Green Gables & Sweets Cafe" in the western Japan city of Aizumi Tokushima Prefecture, created the "iCookie." It has received a lot of attention on Twitter and has quickly spread across food communities around the Web.
The store owner Kumiko Kudo says, "It is totally surprising to have such a big reaction. At first, the cookie was made just to meet a friend's request and I had no intention ofreceiving additional orders."
The cookie is currently available in Japan, for around 2,730 yen, or $33. The bakery has sold hundreds of cookies and the waiting time to get one has been as long as two months.

'Edible iPhone' is a hit!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Best of the best Cydia apps : must haves list

List of 36 best Cydia Tweaks of all Time

Attention :- 
1. Some of the apps on Cydia might be paid apps, if you want them cracked for free, read our tutorial by clicking here .  
2. For a list of all paid/free apps click here.

1. FaceBreak: When Apple came out with FaceTime it worked only via Wi-Fi, with this tweak you are able to make FaceTime calls via 3G as well. Without any setup required you can easily get FaceTime running over 3G and use it anywhere you want. It is similar to 3G Unrestrictor and My3G, except it only works with FaceTime. FaceBreak is available for US$1.49 only.
2. Mark Read: Bombarded with too many emails which you are not going to read anyway? Well, this tweak may do wonder for you as it provides an easy way to mark all your inbox items as read, or just emails you select as read. Just tap “Edit” on your mailbox, and you will be provided with an option to select certain emails or tap “Mark All.” You can also mass archive or move emails, too. Mark Read Cydia app is available for $1.99.
Mark Read
3. EZDecline: Replaces “slide to answer” with “Answer” and “Decline” buttons instead. It comes handy when you are busy in a meeting or sleeping and do not wish to answer a call.EZDecline restores the Accept/Decline button from a call even when your iPhone is currently locked. It works on all iPhones, and optimized for iPhone4′s retina display. EZDecline is available for $0.99 in Cydia Store via BigBoss repo.
4. Gpower Pro: Simple tweak that alters the default power down screen and modifies the options displayed when you press and hold the power button on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Rather than just showing “Slide to Power Off”, you’ll now also have the ability to Respring and reboot in the same manner. GPower Pro is available in Cydia for $0.99 in Cydia.
GPower pro
5. NoLockScreen: It disables the “Slide to unlock” feature. In case you don’t have passcode or pending message, it will skip the lockscreen completely when unlocking.
6. SnapTap: Most of the users have a habit of using hardware buttons to click a photo, especially those who have recently adopted iPhone. This tweak lets you take photos with the iPhone’s volume controls and headset button instead of finding the small camera touch button at the bottom. Support iOS 4.x and iPhone 4 as well. Get your SnapTap tweak for $1.49 only.
7. MobileVolumeSound: This tweak adds the sound when you press the volume up or down buttons to your iPhone. Unlike Mac OS X, this noise is not present in iOS for an unkown reason. MobileVolumeSound adds this feature back to iOS, and works on all versions from 3.0 on.
8. Infinifolders: It allows Jailbroken iOS 4 folders to go on forever, Infinifolders bypass Apple’s limitations of 12 apps in a single iOS 4 folder and allow you to put inside a folder as many apps as you want, choose the color of the scroll bar and even paginate the folder.
Infinifolders For iPhone
9. HDR/Game Center Enabler: Currently, iPhone 3G user on iOS 4.1 cannot access GameCenter while iPhone 3GS owners on iOS 4.1 have GameCenter, but Apple completely denied the compatibility of HDR photos (High dynamic range photos) function. With HDR/GameCenter Enabler tweak you can easily enable GameCenter on the iPhone 3G, as well as enable HDR Images in the camera app for both the iPhone 3G and 3GS running iOS 4.1 firmware. Activate it with Winterboard.
GameCenter Enabler iPhone 3G
10. SecretSMS: This awesome tweak encrypts SMS messages so that they can only be read with a password. You can easily send encrypted SMS to your contacts. Receiver cannot see the plain text unless he or she knows the password. It is one of the very convenient, useful, safe and professional tool.
SecretSMS cydia
11. Locktopus: You can now password lock your individual applications directly from Springboard without opening another app and respring with “Loctopus”. Loctopus Cydia jailbreak app provides protection against opening of single iPhone application from unauthorized access. This is the most simple and safe method out there to lock any of your apps. Loctopus is available for $1.99 only.
12. Home Page in Safari: You can finally set the homepage in your iPhone’s Safari browser like you would on any other browser. Allows you to set a home page in Mobile Safari by simply tapping the “+” button while visiting the website of your choice, then tapping the “Set as Home”. “Home Page in Safari” is available on Cydia via BigBoss repository for $0.99 only.
Set Home Page in Safari
13. EnhancedTabs: Must have tweak that lets you adjust Safari’s “Open in New Page” action. You can either set safari to “normal”, which opens a link in a new tab, or you can force it to stay in the current tab or the tab overview screen while a new page opens in the background. You can also choose to automatically go to the tab overview screen every time you launch Safari. The “TabCloser” option can be enabled to close all tabs but the selected one.
EnhancedTabs for iPhone
14. FolderEnhancer: Unlike FoldersinFolders App, FolderEnhancer for iOS 4.x not only creates sub-folders on iPhone and iPod Touch but also allow you to move multiple icons in single step. The app works flawlessly with Iconoclasm and support icon pages and pages with in folder and Sub folders. For example, after creating games folder you can create one or more folder like action games, board games and so on. You can keep creating folders, inside folders, inside folders, etc.
15. FullScreen for Safari: This tweak allows you to run Safari in full-screen mode and navigate using touch gestures. Actions can be assigned to each Gesture, so you can customize the way it works to your liking. You can map two and three-finger controls, double taps and shaking the device. FullScreen for Safari is available for $1.49 via Cydia.
16. MyOS: It is a new tweak that allows you to enable or disable all the major functions of iOS without having to edit a plist file. Such settings you can enable or disable are: MultitaskingHomescreen WallPapers, Unified iPod (merged video and iPod apps into the Music App), AppStore Access, Contacts, Enable HDR photosGameCenter (3G only), Camera and Voice Control.
MyOS App for iPhone
17. Wi-Fi Sync: It allows you to completely sync your iPhone or iPod touch with iTunes without having to tether. You check out WiFi Sync app video in action. The Wi-Fi Sync iPhone app is available on Cydia for $9.99, which requires jailbroken iOS 4.x firmware.
18. iPShare: Cydia app that allows you to share your 3G Data Connection from the iPhone or iPad 3G within your local WiFi Network. It’s basically a SOCKS5 Proxy so you can create a WiFi Network on our Computer, connect the iPhone/iPad to that Network and browse the Internet on your Computer using the iPhones/iPads Internet connection. iPShare Cydia app is available for only $2.90.
19. My3G: It makes Apps believe that they are on WiFi instead of 3G and let you make and take FaceTime calls over 3G (no Wi-Fi required) on your iPhone 4, Jailbroken with JailbrekMe. With My3G, you can now also watch high definition YouTube videos, use Skype or Fring or other VOIP apps over the 3G network. Good alternative to 3G unrestrictor.
20. Auto3G: This tweak extends battery life by automatically turning off 3G when you lock your phone then turning it back on automatically when you unlock. You can also have Auto3G automatically turn-off the 3G radio when you have a WiFi connection. Te tweak works with iPhonw 4, 3GS, 3G and is available at a price of $5.99 only.
21. Multifl0w: Awesome task-switcher that have expose like interface to switch between applications running in background. Multifl0w multitasking app displays upto 9 applications preview that are running in background in a sleek interface with the thumbnails of the applications on-screen, for easy and quick task switching.
22. SpringFlash: It is a springboard Activator-based application that takes advantage of the iPhone 4 LED Flash to serve as a flashlight. You can have a touch of a button for a bright LED flashlight without hassling with unlocking your iPhone, closing your app, or even turning on your screen. To install SpringFlash, you need to jailbreak your iPhone 4.
23. MxTube: It is iPhone first native YouTube Video downloader for watching then offline later. It has a slick interface much like the native YouTube app from Apple, that lets you search for videos and schedules tasks to download either a Wi-Fi or Edge version of the video. MxTube Cydia app works flawlessly on jailbroken iPhone running iOS 4.x firmware.
24. CyDelete: It allows you to remove Cydia packages right from the SpringBoard like Appstore. Just hold down the icon, wait for them to start wiggling, and tap the X. It is important to note that CyDelete will not remove applications that are not managed by Cydia, though they will be marked with an X. In addition to it, it will also not remove Cydia itself.
25. Covert: Add a “Private Browsing” mode to Safari that does not save history and restore cookie preferences when closing or restarting Safari. It adds the feature to Mobile Safari itself, taking inspiration from Chrome for design. The UI changes color when the Private Browsing is enabled. Covert is the best way to manage your privacy while browsing through iPhone.
Covert Private Browsing
26. iPicMyContacts: A simple tweak that shows contact pictures next to their names in your address book. iPcMyContacts comes very handy, when many of your contacts share same name (both first and last name). iPcMyContacts is available for $1.29 in Cydia Store via BigBoss repo.
27. LockInfo: It is one of the best jail-broken Cydia apps that provide functionality most anyone would expect would be available by default on their iPhone. LockInfo brings your calendar, e-mail, news, sports, weather, SMS notifications and missed calls to the lockscreen. LockInfo has now been updated with Retina Display.
28. Gridlock: It allows you to reposition springboard icons freely! You can move the icons in every possible way in the 4×4 layout throughout the Springboard, even allowing you to leave empty space. With Gridlock Cydia app you can arrange your springboard icons in order of how frequently they are being used or assigning rows to a particular category of apps on Jailbroken iDevice.
29. Overboard: This adds an overview of all the Springboard pages and allows you to jump in between them. It extends the Springboard page limit, too. OverBoard can be customized using on your iDevice. You can customize the size of the preview, the display of the status-bar and icons in the dock and much more. This older app has been recently updated to support iOS 4.x and retina display is available for $1.99 only.
30. Synchronicity: This tweak lets you continue to use your iPhone or iPod Touch while you sync with iTunes. You can run apps, make calls, etc. but cannot run music app, as it might corrupt the data.  Synchonicity Cydia app is available for $2.00 only.
31. Resupported4: Want to play iPhone, iPod Touch videos on TV? This is must have Cydia tweak that enables video-out with the use of almost any unsupported AV cables, usually made for iPods. It adds video playback support to third-party applications, such as Hulu+, IMDB, VEVO, and more! Resupported4 is available in Cydia or Rock and includes a 10 Day Trial.
32. AndroidLock XT: An enhanced version of AndroidLock, and android like lockscreen for your iDevice. Just Tap or slide to unlock. AndroidLock XT is compatible with LockCalendar, LockInfo and Cydgets and is available for $1.49 only.
AndroidLockXT for iPhone
33. LS Rotator: Like iPad, this tiny tweak lets you rotate your lockscreen according to your device’s orientation. After pairing up with SBRotator, your iPhone act just like the iPad. Just tap the lockscreen with 2 fingers, your able to lock the orientation for those moments when you just don’t want to rotate. Rotation duration, orientation angles and graphical options are available under settings. LS Rotator is available via Cydia at a price of $0.99 only.
LS Rotator
34. GroupSend: This Cydia mod lets you send a message to a group of people available in your address book. When you choose to “add contact” while composing a new message, you can select more than one contact rather than one by one. You can also select existing groups you have created as well in a single tap. GroupSend app is available in Cydia for $1.49 and slightly cheaper than GroupSMS which is tagged for $1.99 only.
35. iControl: It automatically manages the usage of your WiFi, 3G, Bluetooth, and 2G radios on your device to maximize the battery life of your iPhone. This mod will manage things even when your iPhone is locked. iControl  is available via Cydia at a price of $4.99 only.
iControl iPhone App
36. Silent Photo: Turn off the annoying camera shutter sound when you take a photo. You can easily activate it with Winterboard.

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